

Save the Earth-RRR and Some DIY from scrap paper and boxes.-Part 1

Hello Dearies!!! Its sad days here in Ashland. We have been deeply affected and hit by a  Super storm Sandy. The  DNA of New York City is its  public transport system, Its Subway system, which is not in operation for over 5 days now. IT is a great loss of life and property and wish that it simply ends in some ways. Our area is also hit but not as greatly affected, am not sure if its coz of the less number of trees or being away from the sea that has saved us. Although power outages and  cold homes, Gods grace is upon us, and I am counting his small mercies amidst this chaos as we pull ourselves out of this disaster.

I have been meaning on doing a post of the things that I as an active citizen has been doing to reuse, recycle and re-purpose to save our earth and try eliminate plastic things filling our landfills, that take years and years to decompose and affect global warming. If we are able to do a few things like use plastic bottles, re use old canisters to store lentils, rice and other dry ingredients in our pantries, we can save  huge amounts of $$ and also save our planet. Instead of opening new disposable bottles of water each time, we can use filtered water from home in reusable bottle which are safe and BPA free. I am sharing a few of the ideas that we are using at our home. There will be constant additions as I make my home go greener. Some of the things we are serious about are;

Old muffin Trays used as herb planters

Empty Cereal boxes as paper holders/magazine holders

Bookmarks from old greeting holiday cards

Bookmarks from old greeting holiday cards

Diwali Diyas made with candle votives and Pista shells
These are a few, I will be uploading pictures of the pantry, using microfiber towels eliminating swiffer pads, and making cotton vegetable bags from old cotton towels/sheets in Part 2 of the series. 

I invite all my readers to the my first ever event "How do you stay Green in your Home?".

Do a blog post of what measures you undertake and ways you reuse the plastic things like bottles, etc in your home. IT maybe anything small or big, just jot it down, we might start a new green cycle here itself, we never know. Once you publish that blog post, send the link and one picture to the email listed;Non bloggers who want to participate, send me a picture and a brief paragraph of what you have been doing at your home and I will include that in the list.

Please send me your posts in helping us all in trying and learning to make the planet greener doing our bit one step at  a time. I hope to see a  positive response in this initiative. Please send your entries to

I will do  a separate post based on the entries received around new years as new beginnings and new resolutions to stay greener.



  1. Where did my comment go?
    maybe I typed the garbled words incorrectly....grrrr!
    I wanted to say, I'm in!
    Ash, I think I will mostly write about what I do, I am, as u know not a crafty person, so I hope that is okay. And can I add it in a current post I am doing?

  2. Very inspiring post, dear! Kudos to u for taking the time doing this :)

  3. Manasi, the event is just to share and learn greener ways that we can easily adopt, Its in our DNA to conserve and preserve. So aay posts or comments that you do are most welcome.
    @ Shirley, Just doing my bit one step at a time. Kindly share your plastic bags posts with my friends.
    Love Ash.


Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving kind words of appreciation, Your words are truly appreciated.
Love Ash.