

Henna Tattoo inspired Anniversary cake

Hello dearies!!!! How all have you been? I know I am a little slow on the posting scene lately, but the blame is on the busy weekends, warm lazy summer afternoons and lots of roaming around doing absolutely nothing important. All this is keeping peeps in Ashland super busy doing nothing but being lazy. June is a busy month with many celebrations in Ashland, Ms. Ash has a June birthday and also has June wedding. This year marked the 10 years of lovely bliss and we did celebrate it quietly  with our kids. No celebration is complete without a cake. As always time was  a crunch so I seeked help from the boxed cake mix, but to make up for my ultra laziness I did the henna Tattoos on White chocolate fondant. I used the strawberry flavor cake mix from Pillsbury.. see that is what happens when you send a 4 yr old with daddy for grocery. He selected a pink cake for mommy's birthday which mommy made on her anniversary day!!! Sigh!!!That's my younger munchkin for you....

The henna art was done in red gel icing. The reason for doing a henna tatto cake is simple, no Indian wedding is complete without sangeet and mehndi as in henna. The bridal henna art is a very intricate and delicate artwork. The henna artist charges a bomb for such work. Since 10 years is a milestone, I thought that Henna inspired cake would be the call of the day!!

Thanks to a cook @ Heart, who introduced me to PicMonkey, my pictures are getting better. Hers is sample of my pictures.

As always the icing is only whipped cream icing. The recipe for the icing is very simple.

** Whipped Cream icing can be made by using simply Heavy Whipping Cream and Conf Sugar,, The Rec is as

One Cup heavy Whipping Cream
Half Cup Conf Sugar
**One packet Instant pudding mix. OR IF desired One Packet Unflavored Gelatin dissolved in water.-- OPTIONAL

Take a bigger bowl and keep some ice cubes in that.. Over the cubes place anr bowl. Take one cup cream and add sugar and Pudding mix( if needed )... and beat with electric mixer for about 5-7 mins on medium till soft peaks are on the blade. The icing is ready.
Hope you all like my efforts and enjoy making such cakes for your family and loved ones.



  1. Your clicks left me spell bound, just awesome.loved the cake and the tattooed topping.

  2. Many many happy returns on ur bday and the wedding anniversary, although belated :):)

  3. I am still saying this, oh my! oh my!
    Very beautiful, Ash.
    A wonderful way to mark a decade!
    Did ur little chef help? :)

    I am so glad I could share PicMonkey ( thanks to Nupur). Lets spread the love, I say! After all, sharing is caring :)

  4. Very True, My dear! A cake is must for celebration and this is just a beautiful work of art. Have a wonderful anniversary together and stay happy forever!

  5. Henna designs on cakes? How clever! This is one hell of a gorgeous cake, my dear! I'm sure it tastes just as good.

  6. Mindblowing cake, simply elegant.

  7. i love this! henna designs on a cake! would have never thought of hoping to see one more of this kind...probably in a darker red or brown/green designs....keep it up


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Love Ash.