

Happy 2nd birthday!!!!! and a new twist!!!

Dear friends;
 Here's  wishing Indulge-ashscorner a very Happy 2nd birthday. Like every 2nd bday comes a Terrible Two's things are also going haywire here at ashscorner....lets just say life gets in its way and things are beyond your reach at times.....with so much snow comes a lot of shovelling and lots of sneezes..wo we all had our rounds of coughing and blowing our little noses BIG WAYY......

Like last year, I am adding new label to the blog," Guest rec.-Diary" Many of my friends are not bloggers but when they try something new they like to this is the post where you can feel free to publish. All you need to do is;
Prepare the rec, take a picture of the entree, write a short post on HOW TO..and send it to me....I will publish it under her name and we will try to connect in our own little virtual world. The recipe called for can be anything but should be presentable and edible.....if your post includes your sweet memories and stories, It will be very much appreciated.. You can request anonimity if you feel like.....or have  a screen name...If you don't wnat to include a rec...but if you are making any project which you would like to share..feel free to teach us  a new skill....

So friends, don an apron and get hooked..someone is eagerly wiating for  a mail from you.......

Looking forward for an amazing new year and an association with you all for the third year as well!!!!

Till I talk to you Again;
Love Ash.  


  1. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
    Here's hoping things go well in the coming year and take care, stay warm :) GOOD LUCK!

  2. Hey Ash,

    Where do we send in the recipes?? is it here or ur email id??

    Let me know
    And on a sweet note,....Happy birthday to the blog spreading sweetness and making Life a bit more tolerable.


  3. Thanks Komal for the warm wishes. YOU can send the rec to my

    and then I will publish them under your name....

    Thanks for participating and making it a good read!!!
    Love Ash.


Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving kind words of appreciation, Your words are truly appreciated.
Love Ash.